Partner roles in the network

Lead Partners

Lead partners are key drivers in the social business network. They take the lead on topics, drive the formation of communities, and bring other partners into the network.

Business Partners

Business partners are the central players in the social business network. They offer specialised products and services in the ESG sector and use the network to scale their business model.


Partners in the Social Business Network contribute important impulses and creative approaches to the network with their expertise and knowledge from science, research and practice.


Members are active observers and passive participants in the Social Business Network, which is used as a valuable source of information.

Becoming a partner

Your personalized consultation

Would you like to find out more about how ecologically & socially responsible behavior can be compatible with successful business? And how your company can develop through regional networking, community-building and the development of your own platform?

Then the Social Business Network-as the first European platform solution characterized by sustainable commitment, is the right address for you. Simply sign up for a free, no-obligation consultation through our online tool.

Joining procedure

The Social Business Network is open to anyone who identifies with the goals and values of the network and wants to take an active role in shaping a sustainable and life-friendly future. Our network welcomes small innovative one-person companies, SMEs and start-ups as well as corporations, government institutions and non-profit organisations of all sizes.

However, we reserve the right to check the seriousness and sincerity of potential partners in order to ensure the quality of content of contributions to the network. Admission to the network requires the conclusion of a framework agreement, agreement to our data protection regulations and payment of the annual membership fee.

Membership Fees & Services

Here you can find an overview of our membership model and service offerings.