Core Topics

Energy- &

Support research and development to promote efficient, renewable and sustainable solutions in the energy and resource management sector.

Environmental &
Climate Protection

Support initiatives and strategies that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, protecting biodiversity and conserving our natural resources.

Agriculture &
Food Systems

Promote sustainable, environmentally responsible and fair practices in agriculture and develop food systems that equally consider and respect environmental protection and health.

Urban- &
Transport Planning

Development of sustainable, livable and resilient cities through intelligent transport planning, realisation of new mobility concepts and reclamation of urban areas for natural habitats.

Social- &
Work Structures

Supporting the design of equitable, inclusive and innovative work environments and social structures that unleash individual and collective potential.

Education &
Knowledge Transfer

Promoting innovative learning methods and educational approaches to provide the necessary knowledge, competences and skills for tomorrow's world of work.

Health &

Support of innovative health programmes to strengthen physical and mental well-being in order to equally increase productivity and overall quality of life.

Culture &

Promote dialogue to overcome cultural barriers and bolster regional identity, thereby enhancing cooperation and problem-solving on future challenges.

Digitalization &
Artificial Intelligence

Unlocking positive potentials of digital technologies while mitigating risks of dependency and loss of control, and ensuring fair access for everyone.

Supportive Topics

Legal Aspects

Offering information and support to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory requirements.

Tax Strategies

Assisting in understanding and leveraging tax benefits and incentives for optimal financial planning and organization.


Identifying and leveraging various funding opportunities to support sustainable projects and initiatives.

Project Management

Offering tools and expertise in project management to ensure effective execution and realization of projects.


Active use of social media channels to raise awareness and positively influence public discourse.

Community Building

Promoting the formation and strengthening of communities to support cooperation and enhance social cohesion.