Lead Partner


Building value.


Wienberger is a pioneer in the industry with its ambitious sustainability programme on the way to becoming a climate-neutral company by 2050 at the latest.

As an intermediate step towards climate neutrality, CO2 emissions have already been reduced by 15 per cent between 2020 and 2023. The aim is to achieve a neutral biodiversity footprint by 2030 through measures such as the recultivation and renaturalisation of abandoned extraction sites.

In the spirit of a circular economy, all newly developed products have been 100 per cent reusable or recyclable since 2023 and the proportion of secondary raw materials and recycled materials in production is being continuously increased.


For People. For Planet. For Profit.


Founded in 2016, econnext AG is the parent of a diversified group of ClimateTech companies with a focus on decarbonization and the circular economy.

Through advisory services and strategic investments, Econnext supports companies that have the potential to address significant social and environmental challenges through innovative business areas such as cleantech.

Econnext pursues a sustainable and responsible business approach and prioritises long-term value creation over short-term profits.

Econnext holds majority stakes in Autarq GmbH (solar roof tiles), Circular Carbon GmbH (carbon removal technology for renewable energy and biochar from waste materials), ESG Screen17 GmbH (sustainability screening of investment portfolios), FLAXTEC GmbH (solar module recycling, among other circular economy technologies), GRIPS Energy GmbH (renewable energy supply worldwide) and LUMENION GmbH (large-scale energy storage for renewable process heat) as well as a minority stake in Ambibox GmbH (wallboxes with bidirectional charging technology).



Eine Bewegung, die nicht aufzuhalten ist.


Ummadum Business Partners provide a mobility budget for their community to motivate members towards conscious, sustainable mobility behavior.


Klimaschutz ist unser aller Business.


As the first point of contact for Corporate Climate Education, Glacier offers activation & climate protection training for companies to facilitate sustainable climate transformation.


Frisch vom Hof, zu Dir um‘s Eck.


ROSY'S promotes regional local supply with temperature-controlled Click & Collect pick-up stations that offer local agricultural businesses an efficient and emission-friendly distribution channel.


Mitarbeiterberatung für alle Unternehmenslagen.


STG - The employee consultants promote a positive working environment with a focus on mental health and thus increase the motivation and productivity of employees.


Die Antwort auf alle Fragen im Collaboration Management.


42consulting develops processes, organisational structures and personal skills for collaborative management of construction projects in the digital age.


Eine Community, ein Stromanbieter, eine Lösung.


eFriends is breaking new ground as a direct marketing platform and setting new standards in terms of sustainabilit: as the first and largest energy sharing platform in Austria that enables sharing of electricity mainly generated from solar energy.


Barrieren beseitigen. Potenziale entfalten.


Atempla promotes inclusion and social sustainability in companies by integrating Accessibility Management to create an accessible working environment that encourages diversity and strengthens sustainable corporate management.