Pioneers of change

Courageous pioneers have always been trailblazers, and today the world needs them more than ever. The challenges ahead are complex and diverse, but they also offer great possibilities and opportunities. The Social Business Network relies on the power of collaboration to transform adventures into well-planned, successful journeys.

From Idea to Scale

The Social Business Network supports innovative business models and the expansion into new business areas from conception to successful implementation. Through our community-based approach, suitable solutions and partners can be found at every stage of development.


Every business begins with an idea. This idea can be developed through structured processes, assessed from various viewpoints, refined, and shaped for the future. Our network offers a digital space for ideation, constructive review by the community, and evolution during moderated workshops.

Early Stage Funding

Capital is crucial to kickstart projects. Our network offers access to funding opportunities and investors interested in innovative concepts and business models. The Social Business App facilitates alternative, community-backed financing methods.

Collaborative Partners

For startups and smaller businesses, becoming strongly established in every business area right from the outset can be a challenge. With our network, they can entrust specific sectors to experienced professionals, ensuring they maintain focus on their core activities.

Joint R&D Innovation

Innovation thrives on collaboration. Within our network, research and innovative projects are driven by connecting the most suitable partners to transform ambitious visions into reality.

Market Access

Access to the market is crucial for success. Our network brings suppliers and buyers together, enabling precise targeting of audiences by structuring into topic areas and building sector-specific communities.

Corporate Building

Founding a company is a significant milestone. Nevertheless, this step should be well considered and strategically planned to minimise future hurdles. Our network offers a comprehensive information base, the exchange of experience and specialised resources to put companies on a solid foundation.

Founders Lane

Every successful founder has a unique journey to share. For those who have already achieved notable milestones and are on the lookout for new opportunities, our network grants access to the "Founders Lane". This offers exclusive access to resources, networks, and chances to continue shaping success stories and unlocking the full potential.


Growth and scaling - especially of services - are among the most complex challenges in the business environment. Thanks to technological advances and digitalisation, new ways are opening up to overcome this hurdle. Our network provides the support needed to effectively scale business models, leverage innovative digital solutions and take businesses to the next level.

Innovation and cooperation
are key factors
for successful business
in the world of tomorrow.